MS/US Scope and Sequence 2024-2025
The Atonement Catholic Academy enjoys one of the finest academic reputations in San Antonio, with a 100% graduation rate and a 100% four-year college acceptance rate. Over the past several years, the graduating classes have been accepted by a variety of colleges and universities, including many prominent schools such as Stanford, the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), the Naval Academy, the University of Dallas, Benedictine College, Boston College, University of Notre Dame, Rice University, UC-Berkley, Duke University, Washington and Lee University, Hillsdale College, and the like. Additionally, students have been blessed to acquire millions of dollars in scholarship funds. For example, the 2023 graduating class of 14 students was awarded over $3 million in scholarships!
Initially established as a grade school in 1994, our school instituted its upper school program with a freshman class in 2004. We were recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2005. Our inaugural class of 12 students graduated in June 2008. Our upper school maintains accreditation standards of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) through the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED).
Many factors contribute to The Atonement Catholic Academy’s success. The Academy’s program encourages scholars to develop intellectual ability, make moral decisions, and solidify commitments to the truth of the Catholic faith. Students read classic literature, study the history of the world from the viewpoint of Western Christian culture, receive the fullness of the Church’s moral teaching without modification or embellishment, and are challenged through objective truth, learning how to think, not what to think. Our students study Latin, the language on which Western civilization is built, the knowledge of which assists them in the mastery of a range of studies from English grammar to literature to science to theology. Our program of study prepares students for living in this world and arriving in the next.
Upper scholars pursue a course of study that is specified by the administration and is guided in part by college expectations, in part by diploma requirements, and in part by The Academy’s educational philosophy.
Courses taken each year typically include Theology, English, Mathematics, History, Science, Latin and Music. As part of a rigorous curriculum, all upper scholars have the opportunity to take multiple AP and honors level courses. An analysis of testing data shows that students are achieving well above the national norm, with the mean score for The Catholic Atonement Academy students to be in the top 10% of scores nationally.