December 12, 2019
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dear Friends in Christ,
“Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said, ‘Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’ ” Luke 18:16
As recent painful experience within the Church has taught us, there is no more serious barrier to young people coming to a saving knowledge and love of Jesus Christ than their physical or sexual abuse within the Church. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is firmly committed to preventing the sexual, physical, or emotional abuse of children and in healing any who have been abused. As priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, we take as our solemn duty the thoughtful and active protection of our children, youth and at-risk adults within our parishes, parochial communities and schools. Creating a Safe Environment for our children is an absolute priority for all of us.
The Ordinariate has had a Safe Environment Program, in one form or another, since 2012. After my ordination as Bishop in February 2, 2016, I reiterated and promulgated as official policy our current Safe Environment Policy and program. Our current Policy was promulgated November 1, 2018, following the revision of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The protection of our children has been a pastoral priority from the very beginning of our Ordinariate, and I am grateful to all those who work to ensure ongoing vigilance and continuity in this regard.
The Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter will comply fully with the requirements as promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and the Essential Norms derived from the Charter. The Essential Norms, having received the recognition of the Holy See, are particular law in all the dioceses of the United States.
In a recent meeting of the Ordinariate leadership, I recalled the words of Pope John Paul II: there is no room in the priesthood for a man who abuses a child. In our particular context of the Ordinariate with both celibate and married clergy, I would add that there is no room in the priesthood for a man who commits an act of violence—physical, psychological, or sexual—against his own wife or children. And there is no room among those who call themselves Shepherds and Pastors for a man who would cover-up an instance of abuse.
The policies are designed to direct the administration and implementation of our Safe Environment Program in all parishes, parochial communities, communities in formation, schools, agencies and programs of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. More specifically, the Ordinariate Safe Environment Program consists of the following components:
1. A criminal background check/screening program for clergy, candidates for ministry,
religious, lay employees, educators and adult volunteers who have contact with children
as part of their work and ministry. I emphasize that, when required, background checks
and screening must be completed before the person assumes his or her position or
begins volunteer service. There can be no compromises or exceptions to this
requirement of our Safe Environment program.
2. Providing appropriate Safe Environment training in preventing and recognizing child
physical or sexual abuse. The Safe Environment training program approved for all
priests, deacons, candidates, religious, employees, educators and adult volunteers is
Safe Haven—It’s Up to You.
3. Access via the Ordinariate website to online tools to enable all who are required to
register for a criminal background check and complete Safe Haven—It’s Up to You
training from their personal laptop or computer.
4. Help children and youth to cooperate in maintaining their own personal safety
through provision of resources for their education and training in this regard. It is
important that every child in our schools, parish religious education and youth
programs be given the opportunity to take part in this critical component of our Safe
Environment program.
5. Holding all those who work with minors to a Christ-centered and professional Code of
6. Reporting physically or sexually inappropriate and/or criminal conduct to appropriate
child protection, law enforcement and Church authorities immediately.
Finally, we will continue to evaluate and improve all aspects of our Safe Environment Program. Thank you for your conscientious cooperation in this important area of our life in common. The safety of our children is never a distraction from our mission but foundational to bearing witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Steven J. Lopes
Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
In the United States |
Lynn Schmidt | Rebecca Hill |
Safe Environment Program Coordinator | Victim Assistance Coordinator |
P.O. Box 55206 | 281-507-4142 |
Houston, TX 77255 | [email protected] |
907-317-6257 | |
[email protected] | |
In Canada |
Shauna Love | |
Safe Environment Program Coordinator - Canada | |
250-483-4332 | |
[email protected] | |