Awarded Catholic Education Honor Roll (CEHR) School by Cardinal Newman Society and named “School of Excellence” in 2008-2011, 2012-2015, 2016-2021
Ranked #1 Best Catholic High Schools in San Antonio Area; Ranked #3 on the leading national researcher, Niche, and their 2019 list of “Best Private K-12 Schools in the San Antonio Area”
Ranked in the Top 5 in 2017, 2018 and 2019, ranked in the Top 5 of Niche’s list of outstanding private schools.
In 2015, 2016, 2017 ranked in the Top 10 of the San Antonio Business Journal’s list of “Largest San Antonio Private Elementary and Secondary Schools”
Consistently ranked by San Antonio Magazine in the Top 10 for academic institutions
Recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School
Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCBED).
2019 National Handwriting Contest Winners (Atonement Academy students won 26 of the 35 awards given out by Universal Publishing)
In 2019, twenty-three students qualified for the PSIA (Private Schools Interscholastic Association). This is the most comprehensive academic extracurricular program in the nation for students in grades 1-8)
Catholic Classical Curriculum
Average class size is 18 students
Phonics based early childhood reading
Goal-setting and tracking of independent reading using Accelerated Reader (AR)
The current average SAT score for Atonement Academy students is 1293. This is 22% higher than the most recent national average of 1059, according to the College Board which administers standardized tests and curricula
Our students maintain an average GPA of 90.3
Students participate in choir, daily
Multiple award-winning choirs
5-10% of seniors earn National Merit recognition
Eight AP courses offered for all upper school students
Our Faith
Daily morning mass for all students, faculty and staff
Daily communion for elementary, middle school and high school students, who’ve received their first communion
Daily theology classes and integration of faith into all content areas
Honorable Character virtue studied every month and recognized during quarterly awards ceremony
Our juniors and seniors make a pilgrimage trip to Rome biennially to augment their Catholic education
Works of Charity and Service
Since 2013, our students and staff have raised more than $30,000 for our sister school in the Palestinian village of Jifna, north of Jerusalem in the Holy Land. Through our annual Lenten fundraising drive, the money donated has been used to buy much-needed school supplies and help with renovations.
Our Pro-Life group attends the annual Pro-Life March in Washington, DC
Every year, our campus-wide diaper drive helps replenish much-needed resources for local charities like St. Vincent De Paul
Each Fall, our students collect and donate canned goods for the San Antonio Food Bank and other local agencies
During a crisis or natural disaster that has occurred locally or across the globe, our school has united and organized various drives such as: relief for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
Our Graduates
100% college acceptance rate into four-year universities including in-state, out-of-state, and international universities
The 2023 graduating class had an average SAT Score was 1211, (National SAT Score: 1059; Texas SAT Score: 1020)
Over the past eleven years, has fostered ten National Merit Scholar Finalists out of 198 graduates.
In 2019, our students received more than $2 million in scholarships, an average of $105,603 per student.
The 2023 graduating class received over $3 million in scholarships, an average of over 156,000 in college scholarships per graduate.
The graduating class of 2024 received over $ 2 million in scholarships, the average college scholarship awarded per student was $125,401.81