Staff & Hours of Operation
Mrs. Deborah Wendtland, Librarian  

Current hours 7:15 - 4:00pm
*Please check the school calendar for additional closures due to holidays or special events.

Online Patron Access Catalog (OPAC) is a program which allows library users or library ‘patrons’ to search a library online.
You can access OPAC two ways

  • Type in your web browser
  • Mobile Apps!LibraryWorld Search for Apple and Android lets you search your library from anywhere and anytime you have access to your smart mobile devices.Available from Apple’s App Store and Android Market for free today!


4.26 Library

4.26.1 Use of the Library

The library is used for checking out books for reading at home, for silent study, or for research. The library has supervised open access, which allows children to return or check out books whenever necessary throughout the library.

The library is intended primarily for the use of the students, and used by students is given a higher priority than use by parents or others. Because of constraints in space and seating, it is sometimes necessary to limit use of the library by other than students.

4.26.2 Student Access to Library Materials

All academy students are encouraged to use the library regularly throughout the academic year. As a service to parents, lower scholars are not allowed to check out middle and upper school books, and middle scholars are not allowed to check out upper school books, without written parental permission on file with the library.

4.26.3 Library Fines and Fees (No fines due while students are away from school)

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the return book date. There is a fine of 25 cents per day for each overdue book, and the fines will be billed to the student’s account if not paid by the 10th of the month. A student who loses a book or who returns a book that has been damaged will be billed for the full replacement cost of the book plus a $10 administrative fee. At the discretion of the Librarian, seriously overdue books may be declared lost.

Fines are assessed every Friday (except on holidays and no school days)

A library fine notice will be emailed once a week.

4.27 Computers

4.27.2 Computers Reserved for Appropriate Use

The computers are to be used for academic purposes only.

Computer users must adhere to the internet safety protocols and other computer procedures established by the librarian.

7.20 Personal Electronics

It is in the interest of all students for a peaceful and studious environment to be maintained at school, before, during, and after class times. Accordingly, only those personal electronic items required for school work are to be brought to school.

Cell phones may be brought to school, only by upper scholars, and may be used only after the last period of the day has ended. Any other personal electronic devices is prohibited whether intended for use during our after school hours.  Cell phones or any other electronic devices may not be present during testing at any time.

In rare cases it may be appropriate for students to seek special permission to bring a personal electronic device to school for a valid pedagogical purpose. In such a case, the student should seek the school administration consent in advance.

Inappropriate items brought to school by a lower scholar or middle scholar OR found to be in use during and inappropriate time by an upper scholar will be confiscated and held at the academy office.